So What is Python!!!

What if Python?

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics
Python is described in the below words and lets see what are those in detail:

Most programs are written in a high-level language such as C, Perl, or Java. Just as a human language makes it easy for people to communicate with one another, so computer languages simplify the job of telling a computer what to do. However, because a computer only understands numbers, talking to one is like speaking to someone with whom you don't share a language. You need a translator to properly communicate, and that's what interpreters do.

An interpreted language is a type of programming language for which most of its implementations execute instructions directly and freely, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions. The interpreter executes the program directly, translating each statement into a sequence of one or more subroutines, and then into another language (often machine code). 


If you are new to object-oriented programming languages, you will need to know a few basics before you can get started with code. The following definitions will help you better understand object-oriented programming:

  • Abstraction: The process of picking out (abstracting) common features of objects and procedures.
  • Class: A category of objects. The class defines all the common properties of the different objects that belong to it.
  • Encapsulation: The process of combining elements to create a new entity. A procedure is a type of encapsulation because it combines a series of computer instructions.
  • Information hiding: The process of hiding details of an object or function. Information hiding is a powerful programming technique because it reduces complexity.
  • Inheritance: a feature that represents the "is a" relationship between different classes.
  • Interface: the languages and codes that the applications use to communicate with each other and with the hardware.
  • Messaging: Message passing is a form of communication used in parallel programming and object-oriented programming.
  • Object: a self-contained entity that consists of both data and procedures to manipulate the data.
  • Polymorphism: A programming language's ability to process objects differently depending on their data type or class.
  • Procedure: a section of a program that performs a specific task.


A high-level language is a programming language designed to simplify computer programming. It is "high-level" since it is several steps removed from the actual code run on a computer's processor. High-level source code contains easy-to-read syntax that is later converted into a low-level language, which can be recognized and run by a specific CPU.



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